It's been a real rollercoaster in the last 12 months. These last 6 have seem to be some of the most difficult times of my life. Instead of writing everything out, I thought I would share my WHY. I truly believe this post tells the true story of how Behind These Blue Eyes began. Again, these are stories and experiences from Post Covid Syndrome, Long COVID that I have. Every person who has been diagnosed with Long Haulers, has their own successes and their own story to share. I share mine so the conversation continues. So healthcare can become more about the whole patient, now that more people have complex illnesses, like myself. I share so the person that feels alone, can see that they are not. They don't have to feel alone like I did, as I was the unicorn in my group. No one else had these continued symptoms. No one else knew anyone that just wasn't getting better.
Follow me on Instagram @behindtheseblueyes86 for shorter updates and a more intimate look into my journey to wellness.
I cannot thank those who are part of my journey and continue to advocate for my healing:
@wellandcocompany_theclinic WELL and Company Alex, Sage Garden with Dr. Green. Any those that I secretly mention in my video, THANK YOU. I cannot express my appreciation for you all 💗
Powerful message! God’s blessings!